Indian Army’s hunt for Light Battle Tank: Options & Choices

Indian Army’s hunt for Light Battle Tank: Options & Choices By: Kartikeya Semwal With the ever increasing threat of a short-term large scale war that India may have to fight in near future with China, a need has been felt by the Indian Army of an LBT (Light Battle Tank) that can be easily transferred by road, is light by weight, can move swiftly in rough mountainous terrains and carries enough fire power to push back enemies advancing troops. Not just that, it will also be able to launch counter-offensive strikes and support troops in tank vs tank warfare. Unlike China that has 3 rd generation Type-15 tank that weighs 36 tonne with fully loaded armour, Indian Army has Russian made T-72 tanks but they are 1 st generation tanks & lack in firepower, armour protection & can’t fire APFSDS (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabots) shells as of now. Keeping the month long standoff between armies of China & India in mind with PLA troops not moving back to...