Possible Missiles of India's Rocket Force By: Kartikeya Semwal We all know how India’s neighbour China has been trying to transgress and illegally occupy Indian land by force using its PLA Army since 2020, first at Depsang & then at Pangong-tso Lake. And since the second half of current year 2021, China has been deploying its Rocket Force against India on its borders. India too has deployed its different types of ballistic and cruise missiles such as Agni and Brahmos as a counter-measure but it doesn’t have a Rocket Force. But this will be a reality soon as India too has started work to raise its own Rocket Force that will have different types of missiles and rocket systems such as Pinaka, MRSAM and XRSAM. Here’s a list of possible missiles that can be a part of India’s own Rocket Force:- Surface to Surface Missiles- Prithvi-2 Prithvi 2 & 3- Prithvi is a type of short range surface to surface missile that has ranges of 350 & 600 kms respectively. Agni 3 Ag...