If Russia is wrong over Ukraine then US-NATO too were wrong on Afghanistan & Iraq

If Russian action on Ukraine is wrong then wasn’t US-NATO action on Afghanistan, Iraq & Syria wrong? By- Kartikeya Semwal Russian invasion of Ukraine It has been a month since Russia started its invasion of Ukraine to ensure its own borders’ safety. Whatever Russia did was just to make sure that Ukraine doesn’t join NATO that would have brought NATO troops on Russia’s doorsteps. Many European countries think that Russian action is wrong but my question to all of them is- won’t they stop a rival country from joining a particular military group that would bring that group’s combined troops to their country’s border? US army in Iraq The whole European Union & NATO member countries are acting like salves to their masters US & UK. One order by US and they all became ready to send high-tech anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to aid Ukraine’s army. One order by...