Russian action on Ukraine is wrong then wasn’t US-NATO action on Afghanistan,
Iraq & Syria wrong?
By- Kartikeya Semwal
Russian invasion of Ukraine |
It has been a month since Russia started its
invasion of Ukraine to ensure its own borders’ safety. Whatever Russia did was
just to make sure that Ukraine doesn’t join NATO that would have brought NATO
troops on Russia’s doorsteps. Many European countries think that Russian action
is wrong but my question to all of them is- won’t they stop a rival country from
joining a particular military group that would bring that group’s combined
troops to their country’s border?
US army in Iraq |
The whole European Union & NATO member
countries are acting like salves to their masters US & UK. One order by US and
they all became ready to send high-tech anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to aid
Ukraine’s army. One order by the current US president and all of them readily
banned Russian goods and canceled their trade & businesses with Russia.
Isn’t that a violation of international trade?
US invasion of Afghanistan |
They are all criticizing Russian attack on
Ukraine & are calling it a “wrong act of war”. Where were they when US
invaded Afghanistan first & later Iraq & recently Syria? Why did NATO
member countries join US invasion of Afghanistan & Iraq? Weren’t they wrong
back then in all 3 cases?
US troops in Iraq |
Why didn’t the European Union and NATO member
countries stop buying oil and gas from US when it had invaded Afghanistan &
Iraq? Why didn’t they ban all kinds of trades and businesses with US back then?
When the duo of European Union & NATO didn’t ban US completely in the past,
how then can they ban Russia now? When both the groups didn’t consider the US “act
of war” wrong in the past, how then are they considering it wrong in case of
US invasion of Iraq |
Instead of siding with US, European Union &
NATO member countries should distance themselves from US & continue their
normal trade & business ties with Russia. This is a dispute between 2
countries namely Russia & Ukraine. Neither US nor European Union & NATO
have anything to do with it. They should stop playing slaves to US &
obeying its orders.
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