Can India follow US & carry out commando strike in POK??

Kartikeya Semwal
5 May 2011: US that had been raging war against terrorism for the past few decades finally avenged the 26/11 terror stirks on World Trade Centre and Pentagon by eleminating the world's most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Special US troopes (US Marine Commandoes) carried out a secret strike on 2 May 2011 in Abatabad, Pakistan and eliminated Bin Laden in his own house that was jsut 22 kms from Pakistan's Army training centre. US Marine commandoes carried out a deadly strike with the help of stealth army choppers and killed the world's most wanted terrorist. Pakistani authorities couldn't even get a hint of the secret US strike till late. But can India too do the same by carrying out a similar strike in POK and destroy 60 terrorist traning camps that are being run from POK???
The answer to the question is that India should have done this within 48 hrs of the US strike that killed Bin Laden. But due to intgernational politics and internal polictics, it didn't do so. India does have the calibre to carry out a commando strike to destroy all terrorist training camps in POK but its political leadership does not have enough guts to do so. Indian Navy's marine commando force 'MARCOS' is well equipped to carry out such strike provided, its gets air cover and backup from Indian Airforce (IAF). Ex Indian army chief general VP Malik said that even army's paracommandoes could carry out a deadly strike and destroy terror camps being run from POK but they can't do it on their own unless politcial leadership doesn't wants it to do so.
The question now is to the Indian public and international society whether India too should follow suit and destroy terror camps in POK or should it stay calm and offer olive branch to Pakistan as it has done on past many occasions. Opinion of the international comunity is of great importance on this issue as not only India but the whole world is suffering from terrorism. The Indian leadership should strengthen its stance and decide to carry out a similar strike someday in near future and help provide peace to the world that is suffering from terrorism. Indian leadership should learn from US who had been tracking Osama Bin Laden for the past 10 years and got him killed in the end. Its hightime that India too avenged the terror strike that was carried out on Mumbai on September 9/11 that killed many innocent people and policemen.


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