Are Indo-Japan Navies well prepared to counter PLA Navy?

Are Indo-Japan Navies well prepared to counter PLA Navy?

By:- Kartikeya Semwal

Of late, China has been focusing on increasing its PLA Navy’s strength in terms of ships. In the name of trying to deal with anti-piracy missions and to provide humanitarian missions across the Indo-Pacific region, it has added over 150 ships in the past decade (2010-2020). And by doing so, China’s PLA Navy has transformed itself from a green-water to a blue-water navy that has reach and can operate anywhere. In the process, it has also surpassed the US Navy fleet in terms of combat ships. 
PLA Navy Ships sailing in combat formation
But little does everyone know that by using various excuses, China has improved its fleet only to encroach on maritime territories of neighboring countries that are smaller in size & can’t match PLA Navy’s firepower alone. And by encroaching other countries’ maritime areas, it wants to mine out all the available underwater resources including fishes. And this very issue has raised the eyebrows of 2 of Asia’s most powerful countries namely India & Japan. Both the nations are now working to strengthen and increase their naval forces too in order to counter the Chinese Navy’s threat & fend it off. 

India-Japan Navy ships sailing together.

I will not go into full details but the PLA Navy has a total of 537 ships that include 2 ACs, 50 destroyers, 49 frigates, 72 corvettes, 109 missile boats, 94 submarine chasers, 79 subs. that are supported by 594 different types of aircrafts. 

PLA Navy's AC Shandong accompanied by other combat ships.
Parallel to that, the Indian Navy has 150 ships, 1 AC, 10 destroyers, 14 frigates, 1 nuke attack sub., 1 ballistic missile sub., 15 conventional attack subs., 24 corvettes, and 300 aircrafts to provide support, guard and reconnaissance to them. 

INS Vikramaditya accompanied by Indian Navy combat ships. 
The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force joins Indian Navy with a total of 155 ships, 4 heli-carriers, 26 destroyers, 10 frigates, 6 corvettes, 22 attack submarines, 6 patrol vessels, and 346 aircrafts to compliment them. 
Japanese Navy ships sailing in combat mode. 

When combined together, India and Japan have more then half of China’s navy ships and aircrafts which is good enough (roughly 305+ & 645+) to defend and stop it from playing foul but much needs to be done. If China’s power and resource-hungry thirst is to be quenched effectively then neighboring countries like South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Myanmar will have to step up and add another 300 ships together to form a strong naval alliance with India and Japan. 

Indian Navy Ships patrolling in Bay of Bengal. 

Only then can the Indo-Pacific region as well as the so claimed South-China Sea can be kept free for free trade and navigation. If the above mentioned Asian countries don’t join hands with India and Japan then by next decade, all of them will have to bow down and work according to the rules and conditions of China which will obviously favour and benefit them alone. 


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